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June Milner Yoga

Telephone: 01252 675 672

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What is yoga?
Yoga is about bringing one's whole system into harmony, easing physical tensions and ultimately also easing mental and emotional discord.

There is a long philosophical history to yoga but the easiest starting point is the body, so that becomes the place we usually begin.
How fit do I have to be?
...as fit as you are today!

Yoga is very adaptable. June believes yoga should be accessible to all, so that as many as possible can benefit from the increased flexibility and strength which the practice of yoga makes possible.

There are always minor adjustments which can be made e.g to protect bad backs, dodgy knees etc.
What should I wear?
Please wear loose comfortable clothes - layers are a good idea. Also a lot of people like to bring an extra layer, or a small 'throw' to keep themselves warm during the final relaxation.
Anything else I need ?
For your own safety  and comfort, please bring a non-slip mat . They are usually readily available from the likes of Argos, ASDA, Tesco to name just a few. If you have difficulty in obtaining one, please let me know, I might be able to bring along a spare for you to borrow.

Please don't have a heavy meal just before you come along. If you can, allow at least a couple of hours since a main meal and just have something light an hour or so before the class if you feel peckish.