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Yoga is more than making shapes.The postures are just one way of working towards the aim of 'settling the mind into silence'.
However, along the way in yoga people notice an an increase in flexibility and strength and a welcome moment of calm in these busy stressful times. 
I teach yoga in the Aldershot, Farnborough and Cove  areas for all abilities.
Beginners are very welcome at any week of the term and find they fit easily into the session as full instructions and demonstrations are given .
  Wednesdays face to face 
  Tuesdays by Zoom

Public Yoga Classes

a choice of both Face to Face , or online classes

morning class

FACE TO FACE .well spaced and well ventilated . also classes via Zoom

What People Say

June is an experienced yoga teacher from Hampshire. Her unique style of teaching evokes an atmosphere of calm and well-being. June runs yoga classes for the very young up to people in their 80's. She holds the British Wheel of Yoga Teaching Diploma.